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Adastra’s 11 Cannabis Predictions for 2024
Adastra’s 11 Cannabis Predictions for 2024

Cannabinoids - The Miracle Plant's Non-Psychoactive Compounds
An overview of cannabinoids including cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), cannabichromene (CBC) and cannabigerol (CBG).

Introduction and Guide
This page gives an introduction and guide for the site, designed to present thought provoking analysis and content on investing and wellness

Best Cannabis Stocks: Data-Driven Analysis Of Stocks For Potential Gains In A Cannabis Bull Market
This page presents a data-driven analysis to identify the Best Cannabis Stocks for potential gains in a cannabis bull market

Cannabis Bull Market Scenario Analysis with PS Ratio Valuation
This page presents a valuation analysis using PS Ratios for cannabis stocks in multiple Bull Market scenarios

Revenue Growth Analysis: Cannabis Stocks With The Highest Decade to date (DTD) Revenue Growth
This page presents an analysis of cannabis stocks using revenue growth based on quarterly revenues starting Q1 2020

Cannabis Portfolio
This page presents thoughts on creating a Cannabis Portfolio built on the methodology and analyses in this blog

High Tide - Bull/Bear Scenario Analysis & Investment Thesis
This page presents the High Tide investment thesis with bull & bear scenario analysis of future revenue, market cap & share price

Cannabis Investing 1: Investment Opportunity of the Century?
This page presents an investment thesis for the Cannabis sector, which could be one the great investment opportunities of the century

Investment Methodology
In this page I explain an Investment Methodology with multiple Principles, that I use for investing in any sector or stock

About Adastra
In this page I provide some details about myself and explain the purpose of this blog and means to achieve this purpose.

Adastra’s 11 Cannabis Predictions for 2024
Adastra’s 11 Cannabis Predictions for 2024

Best Cannabis Stocks: Data-Driven Analysis Of Stocks For Potential Gains In A Cannabis Bull Market
This page presents a data-driven analysis to identify the Best Cannabis Stocks for potential gains in a cannabis bull market

Cannabis Bull Market Scenario Analysis with PS Ratio Valuation
This page presents a valuation analysis using PS Ratios for cannabis stocks in multiple Bull Market scenarios

Revenue Growth Analysis: Cannabis Stocks With The Highest Decade to date (DTD) Revenue Growth
This page presents an analysis of cannabis stocks using revenue growth based on quarterly revenues starting Q1 2020

AEBITDA Analysis: Cannabis Stocks With Positive Quarterly Adjusted EBITDA
This page presents an analysis of cannabis stocks using Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (AEBITDA)

Cannabis Bear Market Scenario Analysis with PS Ratio Valuation
This page presents a valuation analysis using PS Ratios for cannabis stocks in multiple Bear Market scenarios

Cannabis ETF Analysis: Cannabis Stocks with highest % of Market Cap Owned by The Large Cannabis ETFs
This page presents an analysis of Cannabis Stocks with highest % of Market Cap Owned by the Large Cannabis ETFs

Historic Bull Market Valuations
This page presents an analysis of historical bull market valuations of prominent cannabis stocks using PS Ratios from 2017 to 2022

Cannabis Investing 1: Investment Opportunity of the Century?
This page presents an investment thesis for the Cannabis sector, which could be one the great investment opportunities of the century

Cannabis Investing 2: Caveat Emptor
This page covers risks and mistakes made by companies, governments and investors in the past, and explains the need for due diligence

Cannabis Investing 3: Apricots, Plums, Apriums, Apples, Tomatoes
This page uses fruits as an analogy for cannabis companies in the retail, producer, technology and pharmaceuticals sub-sectors

Cannabis Investing 4: Gladiators, Senators, the Colosseum and the Senate
The page uses the Roman Senators and Gladiators as an analogy for stocks listed on the Nasdaq/NYSE (Senate) vs OTC (Colosseum)

Cannabis Investing 5: When Moon, Mars and Stars?
The page uses the analogy of nerds who came to the party early, to describe cannabis investors who focus on fundamentals, numbers and data

Cannabis Investing 6: The Forest and The Trees
The page explains the importance of looking at the big picture when it comes to investing in the Cannabis sector

Cannabis Portfolio
This page presents thoughts on creating a Cannabis Portfolio built on the methodology and analyses in this blog

High Tide - Bull/Bear Scenario Analysis & Investment Thesis
This page presents the High Tide investment thesis with bull & bear scenario analysis of future revenue, market cap & share price

WM Technology - Bull/Bear Scenario Analysis & Investment Thesis
This page presents the WM Technology investment thesis with bull & bear scenario analysis of future revenue, market cap & share price

Green Thumb - Bull/Bear Scenario Analysis & Investment Thesis
This page presents the Green Thumb investment thesis with bull & bear scenario analysis of future revenue, market cap & share price

Curaleaf - Bull/Bear Scenario Analysis & Investment Thesis
This page presents the Curaleaf investment thesis with bull & bear scenario analysis of future revenue, market cap & share price

Trulieve - Bull/Bear Scenario Analysis & Investment Thesis
This page presents the Trulieve investment thesis with bull & bear scenario analysis of future revenue, market cap & share price

Introduction and Guide
This page gives an introduction and guide for the site, designed to present thought provoking analysis and content on investing and wellness

Investment Methodology
In this page I explain an Investment Methodology with multiple Principles, that I use for investing in any sector or stock

About Adastra
In this page I provide some details about myself and explain the purpose of this blog and means to achieve this purpose.
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